Empathy Workshops and Tours


Project Support


Empathy Workshop

We are using a set of props including the senior simulation suit. The standard simulation suit with all the needed components to simulate the normal human ageing process. Participants can experience effect of Instant ageing, the suit adds 30-40 years onto the age of a person trying it on, instantly shows what it means to be old.

Participants are asked to perform simple daily tasks including: climbing stairs (senior suit), getting in and out of a room (wheelchair), reading labels on medication packaging (goggles), sweeping the floor (senior suit).

Participants reading labels with special goggles.

Participants reading labels with special goggles.

Empathy Tour

Empathy Tour


Empathy Tour

various locations possible

The tour is divided into two (or more) slots and requires the participants to make a journey to a selected destination and back. The participants might swap props at the selected location before and completing the return journey.

Simple tasks might be performed during the workshop like reading signs, buying newspaper or more complicated including finding your way around a place or travelling on public transport.


The tour was a success, but more importantly if just one of the architects take on board the needs of the old, impaired, partially sighted and hard of hearing in future designs it will be a huge success!

/  tony /